The Financial Crisis of 2008

Saturday, June 1, 2013

During 2000-2006, the US Housing Market increased dramatically.  Housing prices skyrocketed  creating a superficial Seller's Market and many people profited during this period.  Mortgage companies pressured bowers into an adjustable rate mortgages.  Later on when the rate adjusted up, these home owners ended up in foreclosure.

When the smoke finally cleared, everyone saw the truth laying in the ashes.  Expensive homes sold at auctions for pennies on the dollar.  Mortgage companies got investigated, and some of these companies committed wrongdoing against the consumer.  Because the Real Estate business is very intertwined with wall street, this also impacted all areas of business leading to the controversial $700 billion dollar bail out of 2008.

Many of the home buyers got  coerced into accepting adjustable rates.  Sadly, about  70% of these people qualified for fixed rates.  Why weren't these people put into fixed rates in the first place?

The only one that is going to look out for your best interests is you.  You can't afford to rely on Big Brother or any other government agency.  If we want to any survive any possible  economic collapse, we must be prepared.  We must always know where the US economy is going and make plans.

Some things that we can do to prepare for economic collapse are very simple things.

1. Pay off debts or pay them down substantially

2. Save money - maybe invest in gold or silver coins

3. Stock up on food, hygiene products, medicine, vitamins

4. Learn survivals skills

5. Make friends with like minded people

6. Learn to defend your home against thugs and thieves

7. Get Healthy Now


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