US Debt Growing 28 Times Faster Than US Growth Economic Collapse

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The other day,  I saw something that made me take notice.  It was a commercial that stated the US Debt is growing 28 times faster than its growth.  This is going to create a big problem very soon.    According to the US Debt Calculator, the US Debt today is $16,897,858,750,170.  This amount breaks down to about $53,446 per person.  I do not see how we can continue to go on this way.

Even if America's Economic outlook is bleak, I honestly believe we can turn this  around.  We can become a nation of prosperity instead of a nation of debt.  Some say that other countries are watching the United States, and they are secretly making plans to abandon the dollar.  However, no one wants to face this reality.  It is like the large elephant in the living room that no one seems to notice.

We need to have an open dialogue about the growing US Debt and discuss ways we can lower this.     The US Debt grows bigger and bigger with each new day.     We cannot go on this way.

To see the US Debt grow in real time, please visit


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