How to Remain Positive During an Economic Collapse

Friday, June 28, 2013

I have been reading about so many negative things going on with the US Economy.  The possibility of a stock market crash and an economic meltdown are very great. Each day, I hear about something else that points in this direction.  Just the other day, I heard  that some countries are abandoning the US Dollar and refusing to trade using greenbacks.  Gold and silver prices are dropping all the time.  Something could happen.  I feel it in the air.

Nevertheless, keep the faith and have hope.  We can survive and even thrive through an economic collapse.  Many people became wealthy during The Great Depression of the 1930s.  There were even some instances where people became multi millionaires.  Some examples include oil tycoon J Paul Getty, King Cullen grocer Micheal Cullen, aviator Howard Hughes, Camelot Patriarch Joe Kennedy Sr, and Monopoly game inventor Charles Darrow. Apparently, these people found a creative way to thrive during The Depression.

I believe it is all in how we perceive things.  We can view an issue as completely negative, or we can view it a different way.   See the silver lining in the storm clouds.  Remove the shadows of negativity from the mind and turn on the lights of positive thinking.   If an investor can keep a positive frame of mind, he or she can see the golden nuggets of fortune scattered in the sands of economic woe. However if the investor remains depressed, he or she will never see the hidden opportunities.  No matter what the economy is, there will always be a way to make money.  I am 100% certain of that.


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