The US National Debt Can Cause an Economic Collapse

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How will a possible economic collapse affect people living in the United States?

Hopefully we will never experience an economic collapse in the United States.  However, we must be practical.  I have seen several recessions in my lifetime.  My grandparents lived through the depression.  My mother and I waited in gas lines in the 1970s during the oil crisis.  I remember watching the stock market crash of 1987 on television.  I saw the housing bust of 2008.  I know for a fact things can get bad pretty fast.  Economics is something that effects us in profound ways.  We must analyze financial trends and plan for the future.

The national debt is so high right now until it is outrageous.  As of June 2013, it is $16,737,246,099,998!  I do not know about anyone else, but I simply cannot imagine that amount of money.  It is unfathomable to most.  How will we as a country ever pay this off somehow?  We can not go on this way without something happening.

If you are reading this, please take some time to prepare for the possibility of economic collapse here in the United States.  Stock up on food, water, and medicine.  If the banks fail and stores are empty have food in your house.  Do not be caught outside among thieves and thugs.  The possibility of civil unrest during this time is great.  If people are freaking out about not having access to money and food, the streets will be a dangerous place and the government will have to restore law and order somehow.

It may be a good idea to invest in gold or silver at this time.  Today, June 25, 2013, gold is $1263 an ounce and silver is $19.35 an ounce.  Some have said they expect the price of these precious commodities to drop even lower.  If this happens, use this as an opportunity to increase the investment.  If the dollar fails,  I am sure gold and silver will be the currency of choice.

Take time to prepare for a possible collapse of the stock market.  Get with a qualified investment advisor and ask him or her to help you prepare a survival financial strategy.  Please consider there might not be a bailout this time as it was in 2008.  Prepare for the worse and pray for the best.


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